

31 December 2023

141: Jamadil Akhir 1445H

Kena pantas. Kerana masa amat mencemburui kita. Beberapa jam lagi bukan setakat bulan bertukar, tahun pun bertukar! Hahaha...

Tak tahu lah nak merepek apa. Mungkin "I need my freakin,-me-time!" mode. Penat ooo hari-hari kena jumpa orang, bercakap dengan orang... bukan apa, tenaga mudah drained dah susah gila nak re-charge. I am not happy although I am enjoying things that I am doing.

The most important lesson I took for 2023 is, always check your intention. It is ok to take a break and continue after. But make sure the alignment is correct. Do everything for Allah, not for my own benefit and Allah will give you anything you need.

I have Allah and He is near...

Thank you, 2023...
Happy New Year 2024!

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